Connecting Communities One Mile At A Time
Our Story
Since its founding in 1991, the PATH Foundation has been reshaping urban areas of the greater metropolitan Atlanta. Through a combination of philanthropic contributions, public funding, and diverse financial support, PATH has creatively repurposed abandoned railroad corridors into picturesque linear green spaces that seamlessly merge neighborhoods to vibrant commercial centers, offering varied transportation alternatives for commuters, joggers, walkers, cyclists, and individuals of all age groups. To date, more than 327 miles of multi-use PATH trails have been built, making an immeasurable difference in Atlanta’s quality of life.
On a cycling excursion to Stone Mountain on a warm, summer day in 1991, three cycling buddies decided Atlanta needed a more pleasant place to ride. Each of them had experienced the splendor of paved off-road trails in other cities. The trio decided to pursue the idea of developing greenway trails in Atlanta — in time for use for the 1996 Olympics.
Ed McBrayer, Pete Pellegrini, and Maxine Rock formed the PATH Foundation, a 501 (c) 3, nonprofit organization with a mission to develop a system of interlinking greenway trails through metro Atlanta for commuting and recreation.
Around the same time, Sam Friedman and his biking friends returned from a West Coast biking trip where they encountered beautiful off-road trails. They believed Atlanta should have similar amenities and met to discuss how they might play a role in building these trails close to home. The two groups met, and Sam started to assemble and chair the first PATH Board of Directors.Our Ed and Pete were brought on as the first two PATH employees — and the rest is history!
Building the Organization
Many extraordinary individuals and groups quickly signed on to help PATH grow into an organization capable of completing the task at hand. Atlanta was desperately in need of alternative transportation choices and places for families to walk and bike together. An incredible board of directors was assembled to begin the task of deciding which projects would be built and how they would be funded.
The organization spent three years evaluating the successes and failures of trails in other cities and master planning trails for metro Atlanta. The “PATH Standard” for trail construction was developed and the first demonstration trails were built in southwest Atlanta and near Clarkston in DeKalb County.
In 1995, under the leadership of James C. Kennedy and the PATH Board of Directors, PATH launched its first capital campaign to raise $2.5 million from private sources to match $3.2 million in public funds. This successful campaign enabled PATH to build nine miles of the Stone Mountain-Atlanta Trail, the Eastside Trolley Trail, the Westside Trail, and Phase 1 of the Chastain Park Trail. As part of the campaign, the organization established an $850,000 maintenance endowment to help maintain the trails being built.
1998 - The Silver Comet
PATH established a partnership between the State, three counties, four cities and several interest groups in 1998 for the purpose of building a trail between Atlanta and the Alabama state line on the abandoned Seaboard Coastline Railroad owned by the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT). GDOT graciously agreed to have the trail on the right-of-way originally purchased for future commuter rail.
PATH established a steering committee for this trail that introduced the name “Silver Comet Trail” and chose the logo. Again, under the leadership of Mr. Kennedy and the PATH Board, chaired by Bill Fowler, PATH raised $3.65 million to match over $5 million from public sources. The Silver Comet Trail was the centerpiece of this campaign. By the end of this campaign, 35 miles of the Comet were built and open to the public.
The 21st Century
In 2002, the Board launched a third capital campaign to extend the Silver Comet, build the first phase of the Arabia Mountain Trail, and expand Atlanta’s trail system near Peachtree Battle and Piedmont Park. The 2002 campaign netted $5.7 million to match $15 million from public sources to build over 30 miles of new trails.
PATH completed a 2006 Capital Campaign seeking nine million dollars in private donations to match almost $34 million from public sources to build 50 additional miles of trails. PATH designed and built three segments of the Atlanta Beltline Trail, a 22-mile loop around the city, as part of this campaign.
PATH maintained a staff of three full time and one part time employee and a strong, dedicated board of directors who guided the activities of the organization. Cox Enterprises (WSB-TV) provides free office space for the staff making PATH one of the best “investments” for donated money anywhere. Over ninety percent of the funds raised from donations are spent building trails.
New opportunities for trails surface almost every day. PATH typically has twenty to thirty new trail projects on the drawing board at any one time, that will connect the region for safe, enjoyable biking and walking. These trails allow children to walk to school, parents will be able to bike to work, and everyone will have a better quality of life.
The 2016 PATH Capital Campaign sought to connect all of metro Atlanta’s Universities while continuing to build out the greenway trail master plan established over twenty years ago. The centerpiece of the 2016 Capital Campaign was PATH Parkway, a reconfiguration of the Georgia Tech Parkway that provides a landscaped bikeway and sidewalk from West Midtown to Centennial Olympic Park.
Under the leadership of Jim Kennedy, the 2016 Capital Campaign raised over $18 million to match $38 million public dollars.
Proctor Creek Greenway between the Bankhead MARTA station and the Grove Park neighborhood in west Atlanta took previously hidden, mostly inaccessible areas and transformed them into tranquil trails alongside Proctor Creek. The first TSPLOST funded project in Atlanta featured not only a trail but green infrastructure to help improve water quality and the overall health of the Proctor Creek corridor. With 6 bridges, several bio-retention ponds and 2.1 miles of trail, Proctor Creek Greenway officially opened on May 7, 2018.
South Peachtree Creek Trail meanders through Mason Mill Park as a boardwalk along the banks of the creek, connecting the ball fields and parking area at Medlock Park to the historic Decatur Waterworks and the Tennis Center at Mason Mill Park. A newly opened phase of this trail safely routes pedestrians and cyclists underneath Clairmont Road. The final section along Clairmont Lakes allows bike/pedestrian access from scores of neighborhoods directly to the Emory campus.
The 2019 Capital Campaign seeks to raise $18.5 million to match over $50 million in public allocations to connect the Silver Comet Trail to the Atlanta Beltline and Centennial Olympic Park. The campaign also includes trails through the Emory University campus, extension of the Eastside Trolley Trail, and the first PATH trail in East Point. The campaign is focused around collaborations with Atlanta Beltline, Inc. and Emory University who are contributing to the development of trail segments in the campaign.
PATH is also developing trail systems in Newnan and LaGrange as part of the 2019 Campaign. These cities are primarily depending on local TSPLOST allocations for those trail projects.
In 2020, PATH shut down for two weeks to develop protocols for designing and building trails during the COVID pandemic. Major contributors to PATH showed their commitment to our mission by postponing gifts rather than not contributing to the campaign. By the end of 2020, the campaign and construction were back on schedule. The Westside Beltline Connector between downtown and Marietta Boulevard, the trail system through the Emory University campus, the first phase of the East Point PATH, and the bridge over I-85 in Newnan were completed. PATH co-founder and Director Ed McBrayer retired and welcomed Greta deMayo as only the second Executive Director in 30 years of PATH trail building. Greta oversaw placement of the 300th mile marker near the Georgia World Congress Center. New partners in 2020 included the cities of Sandy Springs, Winder, and Covington, the Upper Westside CID, and the Southfork Conservancy. PATH ended 2020 with more trails underway than ever before.
2021 was a very productive year for trail building at PATH. With the COVID pandemic still present, most trails were planned, designed, and presented to the public virtually via Zoom and Microsoft meetings. Construction activity was highlighted by the completion of the Westside Beltline Connector and the start of the Westside Beltline Trail along Marietta Boulevard to Huff Road. The philanthropic community gave generously to the Atlanta Beltline with the promise of completing the Beltline Trail by the end of 2030. PATH was charged with determining the feasibility of potential trail corridors for the Northwest quadrant where no abandoned rail lines exist. PATH initiated the development of an agreement with Atlanta Beltline, Inc. that would have PATH designing and constructing the Beltline Trail in Northwest Atlanta, once a route is chosen.
Other trails under construction at the end of 2021 include two more phases of the Newnan LINC, the MLK to River segment of the Dragonfly Trail in Columbus, and a trestle retrofit on the Cricket Frog Trail in Covington. Despite the pandemic, PATH had a very productive year developing trails.
How PATH and Governments Cooperate
PATH forms partnerships with local governments to build greenway trails. PATH provides a knowledgeable staff and consultants to plan, design, and build trail projects. In some cases, PATH provides matching funds to finance the development of trails. Local governments provide access to state and federal funding, rights-of-way for trails, and in-kind services during trail development.
In 2012, James C Kennedy chaired a capital campaign seeking $14.3 million from private sources to match $25 million in public funding to build 38 miles of new trails. Notable projects of the 2012 Campaign include PATH400 Trail and dedicated trails connecting the Atlanta Beltline to Centennial Olympic Park.