Help Us Keep Your Trails Beautiful and Safe For All

Trail Rules

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  • Violation of trail rules may result in a $1,000 fine and/or 30 days in jail.

  • Motorized wheelchairs, electric scooters and electric bikes are permitted. Mopeds are not.

  • Don’t use trails at night. The trails are closed from dusk to dawn.

  • Users must stay on the trail. No trespassing on private property.

  • Alcoholic beverages, drugs, and unlicensed firearms are not allowed on the trails.

  • Vandalism and theft of trail amenities will result in prosecution.

  • Reckless behavior that endangers other trail users is prohibited.

  • No camping along trail except in designated areas.

  • Yield to pedestrians - pedestrians always have the right-of-way.

  • Keep right and pass on the left - the trail is like a roadway.

  • Announce yourself; for example, “On your left!” Warn trail users as you approach from behind.

  • If you stop, get off the trail - Always allow other trail users to pass on the left.

  • Report crime and maintenance problems to contacts under the FAQ’s section. Watch out for maintenance and security needs while on the trails.

  • Obey all signs and rules.

    • Stop at intersections.

    • Travel at safe speeds.

    • Keep to the right.

    • Keep the trails clean.

    • Don’t litter - Recycle trash on the trails.

  • Keep animals under control.

    • Pets must be on a short leash.

    • Walk pets on the right shoulder.

    • Clean animal waste from the trails.