The More You Know

Frequently Asked Questions

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What does my contribution do?

Contributions fund PATH trail building and design. With your help, we can continue to create and expand greenway trail systems that provide inviting opportunities for access to schools, parks, and employment centers.

Is PATH a non-profit?

Yes! We are a 501(c)(3) and all donations are tax-deductible.

Now can I make a donation?

You can contribute online by clicking on the DONATE button above or you can mail a check to PATH Foundation, Post Office Box 14327, Atlanta, GA 30324. For any questions please email

Where can I park overnight along the Silver Comet Trail?

There is no overnight parking permitted at any of the trailheads along this trail.

Is there a shuttle from one end of the Silver Comet Trail to the other?

Not at this time. Please make arrangements for pick up/drop off at trailheads along the way.

Do I need PATH permission to host an event on PATH Trails?

PATH has no involvement with any planned events on the trails. It is suggested that the Department of Parks and Recreation in the respective city or county is contacted to ensure that any of their requirements are met.

Are E-bikes and Scooters allowed on PATH Trails?

Yes - As long as they do not exceed 20 mph! That would be Class 1 for e-bikes.