Description: Greenway trail weaving through Arabia Mountain National Heritage Area.
Nearby Attractions/Trails: Stonecrest Mall, AWARE Wildlife Center, Monastery of the Holy Spirit, Panola Mountain Greenway, South River Trail
Major Parking/Access Points: Stonecrest Mall, Stonecrest Library on Klondike Road, Arabia Mountain Nature Center, and Vaughter’s Farm
Distance: 23.29 Miles
About: The Arabia Mountain PATH serpentines through wooded valleys lined with wildflowers and incredible granite outcroppings while connecting Lithonia, Stonecrest Mall, the Arabia Mountain Nature Center to Panola Mountain State Park. It is a bit hilly so bring your energy bar along.
The trail visits the historic ruins of the granite quarry in mile 4 before crossing several creeks and a large wetland. Everybody's favorite place to hang out is Alexander Lake which the trail encircles.
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